We are ALWAYS looking for an additional STAFF to join our wonderful and artistic dance family!
Love of Dance, Music, and the Arts is a must!
For more details or if interested in this position, please contact the Studio Owners, Ian Howe & Sydney Arango, with your resume.
sydney@pacificwestperformingarts.com or ian@pacificwestperformingarts.com
PacWest employs instructors who believe in the PacWest model. Our classes, choreography, and costumes are always age appropriate. We do push our dancers and have a competition team. Instructors begin as substitutes who receive positive feedback from our customers. If you are interested in being a part of the PacWest team and would like to be added to our sub list, contact pacwestperformingarts@gmail.com or send resume, cover letter, and headshot to our mailing address:
2801 Bickford #103-130, Snohomish, WA 98290.
We are currently looking for tAP, jAZZ, cONTEMPORARY/lYRICAL, bALLET, AND Hip Hop instructors to join our team!
Administrative Staff
We are always on the lookout for friendly, hard working, and exceptionally detailed office staff. Send resume and cover letter to pacwestperformingarts@gmail.com, or mail to 2801 Bickford #103-130, Snohomish, WA 98290. Admins work three to five days per week. Hours are typically 3:30p-8:30p M-Th, 3:00-8:00 F, and Saturday mornings 8:30a-2:00p. There are scheduled weekend events where you will be required to work as well, such as the Competition Team Showcase (dress rehearsal and show) in January, and the June Recitals (dress rehearsal in May and the five shows in June). You must be able to work at both Snohomish and Lake Stevens locations.